Solar panels. Refrigeration : control of the refrigeration temperature, keeping the doors closed, having good ventilation, not overloading the refrigerators, plastic curtains on the doors of the cold rooms, etc. Transport : promotion of public transport and/or bicycles, route management, renewal of the vehicle fleet, training in more efficient driving techniques, inspection and maintenance of vehicles, etc. Other measures : adequate maintenance of the facilities, manual of good practices for employees, meetings by videoconference, etc. Periodic reviews of the
measures taken must be carried out to make the necessary corrections and promote a culture of continuous improvement. Organizations can also offset their emissions in projects that promote carbon sinks and/or reduce emissions. How to e commerce photo editing reduce your carbon footprint with personal actions after calculating it, we will see how to reduce the carbon footprint. You can start to change your routine and some of your consumption habits. Begin to have a more sustainable form of displacement. Use public transportation, walk or ride a bike. Buy the new personal mobility vehicles type electric scooters. Commitment to saving energy , with the use of renewable energies, low-consumption appliances, correctly regulating heating and air conditioning. Disconnect all appliances that you do not use, do not leave lights on if you do not need them, take advantage of natural light.
Do a cleaning of the refrigerator to reduce its electricity consumption. Enter the world of the circular economy through recycling and reuse. Make a responsible consumption. Buy local products and local businesses or urban gardens. Use cloth bags when shopping. Environmental education is important to become aware of the importance of changing habits to benefit the planet and pass it on to others. Think globally and act locally , small actions make big