"is aware of reports that Chinese technology companies, and , are linked to illustrator Artwork human rights abuses in so far, the UK government has not followed the committee's recommendation to ban the companies' products in the UK. Following the 67 MPs calling for a ban, the UK government told the BBC: "We take the safety of citizens, systems and institutions very seriously and have a range of measures in place to review the integrity of arrangements."
responded In its response, suggested that the BBC consult the company's management report. In the report, insists that it maintains respect for human rights in its business operations. The company has previously said that once its equipment is handed over to installers, there is no longer any supervision or control over the equipment. In its latest management report, the company said it "continues to seek the best means to prevent end-user misuse of products that could lead to interference with human rights". has said in the past that it complies with
"all applicable local, national and international laws, regulations and conventions" and said it "has not and will not develop solutions for any particular ethnic group." Reports have alleged that has developed tools designed to identify Uighurs. "Demonization" told the BBC in a statement: "Monitors have always played a key role in the UK's fight against crime and terrorism. is proud of our role in this." "There are also some non-mainstream groups in the UK. They want to see a massive reduction of monitors in the UK. They are willing to throw all kinds of false accusations against monitors. They will use lies to demonize " "has been working with government agencies to provide solutions for the UK's surveillance needs." The company also said that the cameras produced "fully comply with the applicable rules and regulations of the country in which we operate and meet stringent safety requirements".